Parks of Study and Reflection

Parks of study and reflection are a place for all who want to stop in today's hectic times, think and look for answers to questions about the meaning of life, overcoming pain and suffering, about the future… They are places to meet and contact the best in us and the best in others. They are places for reflection, but also for the study and development of man and non-violent humanistic sensitivity and culture.

These Parks of Studies are open to individuals and organizations regardless of religion, belief, culture… These are places for meeting different cultures and beliefs, non-profit initiatives to create non-violent sensitivity, as well as for relaxation, study and spiritual development.

Seminars, workshops, courses, meetings, conferences or cultural events such as festivals and celebrations take place in the Parks, and cultural and artistic productions can take place here. It is a place suitable for self-knowledge of every person.

It is an international project that aims to create similar places around the world and connect them to each other, creating centers of new non-violent sensitivity and culture.

All Parks have several common symbolic elements and buildings:


When one passes through the Gate, one enters a different time and space. Marking the boundary between the external world – everyday life and the place for studying and reflection – the interior of the human being, the Gate is designed to bring about a change in the internal state of everyone who enters.


Monoliths were created by various cultures in history as symbols of connection between earth and sky, always from materials typical for the time of their origin. Constructed of stainless steel to reflect the age we live in, and engraved with the date of the inauguration of the Park, the monolith sets the park’s coordinates in time and space.


Its interior symbolizes the profound internal experience, the contact with something deep and universal hidden in each human being, through a half sphere space devoid of icons, symbols or images.


Water fountain represents allegorically the fusion of feminine and masculine principles as the source of all energy. It symbolizes the life itself, the energy of life.


The Centre of Work is a place to have retreats of personal work, workshops and gatherings. The Centre of Study works as a place for studies of man and his history.


Donor wall is a small monument displaying the engraved names of all who contributed to the construction of the Park.

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